SEO Tip: Content Is King
On the internet, the rule is CONTENT IS KING.
Never less, always more. Don’t revise when you can expand. Do, don’t re-do, unless you feel that you absolutely must and if you have to re-do then add more than before.
That’s all very passionate but what does it look like in practical terms?
I’ll tell you:
That blog you’re not posting to? Going forward, load it with pictures. Every picture has a TITLE, an ALT tag (HTML for ALTernative text) a CAPTION and those TITLES, ALT tags and CAPTIONS include your keyword phrases appropriately and naturally.
Communicate your product or service visually. Show what you do. You can use before and after pictures, pictures of your staff, pictures of your products, pictures of happy customers and any other pictures you like that show off your work.
If a client is delighted with the your product or service, ask if it’s OK if you shoot a video of their testimonial for your YouTube channel. Clients are usually flattered that you asked and say yes. It’s OK if the video is not pro shot – actually, by survey a testimonial video has more credibility if it’s not pro shot.
While you’re talking to that happy Customer (which is fun because they love you) you can ask “Do you know anyone who might benefit from our services?”
Put the testimonial video on YouTube and I can optimize and popularize your video. Putting a link to a YouTube video on your blog will display your video in your blog and by including video it’s not just picture – picture – picture – picture etc.
When I say “you” above, I don’t literally mean you. Delegate as you see fit (sales people, marketing people, what have you).
You don’t need to take down old content, you can start using your existing blog for pictures and video without any announcement to do so.
Get a Mobile-Friendly Aggregator Newsblog accumulating relevant content for you which you curate by making comments and posting your own news. A Newsblog is part of your SEO strategy. Again, when I say “you”, I don’t literally mean you.
Whether you do some or all of the above, consider that CONTENT IS KING and think about what text, images and video you’d like to make available to the public.
Take care, be well, have fun,
Tom Jacoby
[email protected]
phone 1-917-338-9586
Monday – Friday 9 AM – 5 PM Eastern Standard Time
voicemail on evenings, weekends and holidays
fax 1-917-210-0142
mailing address:
Emanation, Inc –
Box 3521
New Hyde Park, NY 11040
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