Enough Social Media?
If you have not connected with a significant percentage of your targeted potential users of your product or service then that’s insufficient and you should continue your social media campaign.
So how much time and effort should you put into social media?
In my opinion, unless being on Facebook is how you earn your living or unless you’re looking for work, limit yourself, or the personnel who handle social media for the business, to one hour per day and no more than 5 hours per week. If you’re running an ad campaign on Facebook then you can deduct that time from time spent on social media as it’s time spent earning your living.
You can promote yourself on social media without logging in is by using “profile badges”. A profile badge is a link usually combined with one or more graphics that goes to your social media profile when clicked. Badges are used for Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Plaxo, WordPress, Google, MySpace, etc.
(1) Use social media badges, as well as your contact info and your business website URL(s) in your email signature.
(2) Put profile badges for your Facebook page and LinkedIn on your website.
(3) At the end of a press release or blog post, put your full email signature including your various appropriate badges.
(4) If you use vcards (virtual business cards) you can include links to your social media pages.
(5) Appropriate self promotion with industry news is better than a sales pitch.
(6) Provide information from other sources so that you make yourself a valuable resource.
Any questions on anything I’ve said, you can always Google it as a question (example “What is a vcard?”).
Give credit when you quote a source and strive to add value by making your social media page the place to go for industry info. For example, if you’re writing about Google then check YouTube for the latest GoogleWebmasterHelp.
In my opinion, a social media mistake for a business is to start playing games. “I got you a pink hairless piglet from Pigville” is beyond boring, it’s irrelevant and many people, especially employed people, find social media games obnoxious.
Remember, you want to keep it to 5 hours per week, right?
A savvy objective for your social media campaign is to build your reputation for providing quality industry information.
Take care, be well, have fun,
Tom Jacoby
Email [email protected]
Customer Service External SEO and SEM
Emanation, Inc – NumberOneOnTheList.com
Box 3521
New Hyde Park, NY 11040
phone 1-917-338-9586 Mon – Fri 9 AM – 5 PM
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